Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Scorpene: Suaram Is Controlled By PKR

SUARAM, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) which was established by the family of former ISA detainees where they were those who had threatened the country's security, often portray the organization as something that is transparent, independent and that they would fight for human rights and justice. It was established on August 5, 1989 right after Operasi Lalang with its main objective which is to abolish ISA for those who were denied the rights to be tried.

But, as to a rational and smart Malaysian in analyzing information, SUARAM us an organization that fights to ensure that the country would be open to danger by providing rights, time and space for criminals or terrorists to operate.

And as Malaysians, SUARAM is just another one of the opposition's shadow, or to be more specific, PKR and DAP, in hopes to bring down the government. SUARAM is never transparent, independent and they certainly do not fight for justice or the rights of anyone.

SUARAM is only fighting for the opposition's political agenda who are objected to a republican nation, liberal mindset and not to just destroy special rights, but also everything that has to do with Islam and the Malay culture.

This can be seen when this NGO somehow went too much in creating the issue as if the issue of the Scorpene submarines were tried in France Court.

it began with SUARAM making complaints in France Court regarding DCN, which is a submarine-maker company of the country, saying that the company had given bribes to another company, Perimekar Sdn Bhd from Malaysia. The complaint was then exaggerated with lies saying that the Prime Minister and his wife were involved in the murder of Altantuya who was charged as the translator during the trading procedure of Scorpene. Altantuya was said to have been killed because she asked for a little part from the bribe. From there, SUARAM also played the story saying that the PM will be be given subpoena by the court of France.

All the 'details' about the case were spread by SUARAM through series of press conferences, few of them include those between May 3 and May 26 recently.

However, we need to keep in mind that up until today, the information regarding this case has only been given from SUARAM and their lawyers without any presence of evidence.

Their statements were then taken by bloggers and opposition leaders as concrete evidence, as if it was already decided by the judges, which was then 'fed' to the minds of Malaysians.

The government had made a smart response by not saying much about this matter. Instead, the PM had gone under oath, in an Islamic manner, denying the charge and he gave an appropriate response in the Dewan Rakyat. The government needs to take a careful measure so that it would not cause any harm to court procedures which is said by the SUARAM, going under progress in France. SUARAM is the only one who cannot wait for the result from the court so that they could spread yet many more statements.

SUARAM's exuberance in this issue is simply hard to be understood. Considering that they are the opposition and the opposition is SUARAM, so it should be obvious that the General Election is coming soon because they are getting more and more exited lately.

The evidence saying that SUARAM is actually the opposition is not that hard to see. Just look at the list of important people in the NGO, and we could see they they are also important people in the opposition coalition in Malaysia. Few of them include:

1. Cynthia Gabriel is the Director of SUARAM and appears to be leading the SUARAM Scorpene probe. The Selangor state government, run by Pakatan Rakyat, appointed Gabriel as a municipal councillor in the Petaling Jaya City Council;

2. Dr. Kua Kia Soong is a former DAP Member of Parliament;

3. Sivarasa Rasiah is a PKR Member of Parliament of Subang, Petaling;

4. Irene Fernandez is a PKR supreme council member;

5. Dr. Syed Husin Ali is the former Deputy President of PKR;

6. Tian Chua is the PKR Member of Parliament for Batu;

7. S. Arutchelvan is the Secretary-General of the Parti Sosialis Malaysia, which works closely with PKR;

8. Dr. Nasir Hashim is the President of Parti Sosialis Malaysia, which works in close alliance with the Pakatan Rakyat coalition;

9. Elizabeth Wong is a former Coordinator for SUARAM. She is now a PKR state assembly member in Selangor;

10. Pramesh Chandran works for Malaysiakini and is close friends with Tian Chua. The two were members of the Network of Overseas Students Collective of Australia together with Elizabeth Wong.

The conclusion is, SUARAM do not have evidence in linking the PM in the murder case of Altantuya. SUARAM also do not have the evidence where bribery did occur during the purchase of Scorpene.

But, we have the evidence where SUARAM do not act as an independent body because they are just the shadow of the opposition where they only want to bring down the government. Thus, it is not a surprise that SUARAM would not hesitate to lie, twist or even create stories about the corruption and murder just to fulfil their objective.

SUARAM, sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang ditubuhkan oleh keluarga bekas banduan ISA iaitu pesalah yang mengancam keselamatan negara, sering menggambarkan pertubuhan itu sebagai telus, bebas dan berjuang demi hak asasi manusia dan keadilan. Ia ditubuhkan pada 5 Ogos 1989 selepas Operasi Lalang dengan perjuangan utamanya adalah untuk menghapuskan ISA yang bagi mereka menafikan hak seseorang untuk dibicarakan.

Namun, bagi rakyat Malaysia yang rasional dan bijak menganalisis maklumat, SUARAM adalah pertubuhan yang berjuang untuk memastikan negara sentiasa terdedah kepada bahaya dengan memberikan hak, masa dan ruang kepada penjenayah atau pengganas untuk beroperasi.

Bagi rakyat Malaysia juga, SUARAM hanyalah salah satu dari berbagai-bagai bentuk penyamaran pembangkang, atau lebih spesifik PKR dan DAP dalam usaha mereka untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan. SUARAM sama sekali tidak bebas, tidak telus dan tidak memperjuangkan keadilan mahupun hak sesiapa.

SUARAM hanya memperjuangkan politik pembangkang yang bermatlamatkan negara republik, pemikiran liberal dan menghapuskan bukan sahaja hak dan kedudukan istimewa, tetapi segala-galanya yang berakar dan bertiangkan agama Islam dan budaya Melayu.

Warna sebenar SUARAM terserlah dengan jelas sekali apabila NGO ini begitu beria-ia menjuarai isu kapal selam scorpene yang kononnya dibicarakan di mahkamah Perancis.

Ia bermula dengan SUARAM membuat aduan di mahkamah Perancis berhubung DCN, iaitu syarikat pembuat kapal selam negara itu kerana kononnya membayar sejumlah rasuah kepada syarikat Perimekar Sdn Bhd dari Malaysia. Aduan ini diperbesarkan dengan pembohongan bahawa Perdana Menteri dan isteri terlibat dalam pembunuhan Altantuya yang didakwa sebagai penterjemah dalam urusan jualbeli scorpene. Altantuya dikatakan dibunuh kerana meminta sebahagian dari rasuah terbabit. Lanjutan itu, SUARAM juga memainkan cerita kononnnya PM akan akan disapina oleh mahkamah Perancis.

Semua ‘butir-butir’ kes disebarkan oleh SUARAM melalui siri-siri sidang akhbar, antaranya pada 3 Mei dan 26 Mei baru-baru ini.

Walaubagaimanapun, perlu diingatkan bahawa sehingga hari ini, maklumat mengenai kes hanya didapati dari kenyataan atau ‘air-liur’ SUARAM dan para peguam mereka tanpa memberikan apa-apa bukti langsung.

Air liur SUARAM itulah yang diambil oleh para blogger dan pemimpin pembangkang sebagai bukti sahih hatta seolah-olah keputusan penghakiman, dan kemudiannya disebarkan sebagai ‘makanan minda’ kepada rakyat Malaysia.

Kerajaan telah bertindak bijak dengan tidak melatah dalam kes ini. Sebaliknya PM membuat penafian secara tenang, bersumpah secara Islam dan memberi penjelasan secara baik di dalam Dewan Rakyat. Langkah yang berhati-hati diambil agar tidak mengganggu proses mahkamah yang dikatakan oleh SUARAM sebagai sedang berjalan di Perancis. Hanya SUARAM yang tidak sabar-sabar menunggu keputusan mahkamah dan ke sana ke mari menghebahkan membuat berbagai-bagai kenyataan.

Kesungguhan SUARAM mendahului mahkamah dalam isu ini tidak sukar untuk difahami. Memandangkan SUARAM adalah pembangkang dan pembangkang adalah SUARAM, maka sudah pastilah pilihanraya yang semakin hampir menjadi punca isu ini dimainkan dengan bersungguh-sungguh oleh mereka akhir-akhir ini.

Bukti bahawa SUARAM adalah pembangkang tidak sukar untuk dikemukakan. Lihat sahaja senarai nama orang-orang penting NGO tersebut, dan kita akan mendapati bahawa mereka adalah juga orang-orang penting di dalam pakatan pembangkang Malaysia. Antaranya:

1. Cynthia Gabriel, Pengarah SUARAM dan juga ‘key-person’ dalam pembohongan isu scorpene. Beliau juga adalah Ahli Majlis Daerah Petaling Jaya, dilantik oleh kerajaan PKR negeri Selangor.

2. Dr. Kua Kia Soong adalah bekas Ahli Parlimen DAP

3. Sivarasa Rasiah adalah Ahli Parlimen PKR, Subang, Petaling

4. Irene Fernandez adalah Ahli Majlis Tertinggi PKR.

5. Dr. Syed Husin Ali adalah bekas Timbalan Presiden PKR.

6. Tian Chua adalah Ahli Parlimen PKR, Batu.

7. S.Arutchelvan, Setiausaha Agung Parti Sosialis Malaysia

8. Dr. Nasir Hashim, Presiden Parti Sosialis Malaysia

9. Elizabeth Wong, bekas ko-ordinator SUARAM dan sekarang adalah ADUN PKR di Selangor

10. Premesh Chandran bekerja dengan Malaysiakini dan rakan karib Tian Chua. Kedua-dua mereka adalah ahli Network of Overseas Collective of Australia bersama dengan Elizabeth Wong.

Kesimpulannya, SUARAM tiada bukti penglibatan Perdana Menteri dalam pembunuhan Altantuya. SUARAM juga tidak bukti bahawa rasuah telah berlaku dalam pembelian scorpene.

Tetapi, kita ada bukti bahawa SUARAM bukan bertindak sebagai badan bebas dan telus kerana SUARAM adalah jelmaan pembangkang yang matlamatnya hanyalah untuk memburukkan dan menjatuhkan kerajaan. Justeru, tidak hairanlah SUARAM tidak langsung teragak-agak untuk menipu, memutarbelit malah mereka-reka cerita mengenai rasuah hinggalah pembunuhan, semata-mata untuk mencapai matlamat mereka.

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