Saturday, June 13, 2020

Belum Rampas Kuasa Dah Gaduh! Giliran Nik Nazmi Perli Maszlee!

Maszlee: Jawatan PM ke-9 bukan hak mutlak Anwar.

Anggota Parlimen Simpang Renggam, Maszlee Malik berkata, tanpa bekas perdana menteri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, peluang untuk PH mengambil semula kerajaan adalah sangat tipis bahkan mustahil.

Kenyataan Mazle itu dibidas beberapa pemimpin PKR. Menurut mereka, jawatan itu juga bukan hak mutlak Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

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Anonymous said...

Indeed i have told you already and warning you...!!

For Malay people and especially to Walaun Unta in PH plus lu fikir lah sendiri

Who will get more ' untung' DAP, PKR, Bersatu PAN , Melayu or Cina..!?

Tepok sebelum baca

When Ronnie Liew screwed atok cause of PH collapsed, Chin Tong make and adjustment that Atok and Brother united in PH together and to fight Muhyuddin Najib in PN.
Chin Tong urged this two useless assholes to fight Melayu in PN... who asking to fight between this Melayu group .. !? DAP saya ulanggg DAP..!!

Who is arrange Mahathir will make way for Anwar to become PM9 if Mukhriz is made the DPM - DAP saya ulangg.. !! DAP

Whom is the brokering Peace Treaty Between Mahathir And Anwar With Mukhriz As The Offering..!? DAP... saya ulangggg Yes DAP..!!

Who feels Mahathir does not really want to come back as Prime Minister for the third time. - the answer is DAP

The question is 'Who are all behind this scene..!? - DAP

Who is really wants is to perpetuate atok dynasty and protect his family by ensuring that Mukhriz will become PM9 or PM10 - DAP

Who is behind this scene ensuring it..!? DAP

Who is blackmail the Mahathir’s family may be in danger once he is gone, which may not be that too far into the future. - DAP

Who is behind the scene to warned his legacy in danger.!? DAP

Why his legacy threaten in danger who sing this song..? DAP because DAP wants atok become his obedient slave ( bacol) like 'lembu cucuk hidung'

Who use this two useless Melayu legacy and "whose behind the scene..!? DAP

Who will get the benefit behind this all scene. Malay or Chinese DAP..!? Yes of course DAP

To all walaun unta in Bersatu, PKR, PAN lu ada mata lu tengok, lu ada otak haah lu fikir la sendiri..!!! Sapa huntung..? DAP

Who wants to gets orang melayu menang sorak kampung tergadai.!? - DAP

Who is the power brooker between this useless legacy and make Malay fighting again..!? - DAP

Who is the puppet master creating of leader between this two Melayu BACOL of this useless legacy - DAP

Haaah walaun unta sekeliannn.. Bring it on

DAP knows that Pakatan Harapan’s hope of getting back into power is ZERO as long as the power-struggle between Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar Ibrahim does not end.

This two useless legacy is only Malay slaves of his master DAP.

Who is make this two legacy really slaves of BACOL..!? DAP

At last siapa yang untung..!? DAP

Soo lepas ni....!!

Kasi taji cukup cukup orang tua dan otai tu ... cukup cukup la otai dan atok ni. !! Walaun kata atok ni fikiran nya one step ahead dari fikoran orang Melayu...

Banyak la cekadak kau walaun unta.. fikiran atok mme superb one step ahead untuk membelit, menipu, memfitnah dengan lidah bercabang nya...

Jangan kesian kesian dah dng orang tua dan otai ni... klu nak fuck kasi fak kaw kaw orang tua tu.. sebab yang untung adalah DAP

Saya ulang..!!


Unknown said...

Parti MELAYU asik becakaran sesama bangsa sesamaa agama,PARTI bangsa lain tak dengar pula bercakaran sesama mereka,sebab fikiran saya sahaja,sebab dorg BIJAK guna akal dorg ada WAWASAN...jadi tdk mustahil suatu hari nanti negara MALAYSIA akan d takbir bukan bangsa MELAYU,tetapi d takbir oleh BANGSA lain dan bukan beragama ISLAM,Jadi...bangunlah bangsa MELAYU,jadiknlah SEJARAH yg lalu sebagai PENGAJARAAN diri.

Langit tdk selalu cerah,
Awan tdk selalu mendung,
Air tdk semestinya pasang terus,
Malam tdk terus malam..
Panas tidak terus panas...
Oleh itu,sedarlah dunia ini berpusing,janganlah asyik nak bertelingkah sesama sendiri,